Learning Support


Diversity and Inclusivity

As an inclusive community where every student is valued and fully participates in a quality educational program as an equal member of the school community, ̨ž³UUApp has developed two programs to support students with learning needs. One is administered through the Diversity Team which supports students who require literacy, numeracy and/or organisational support in mainstream classes, so as to fully participate in the senior secondary schooling and another, through the Inclusive Learning Centre for students with complex needs.  

The values that underpin these programs are the same for all students at the College as outlined in our mission statement, - ‘To Ignite the Spirit through Courage, Commitment and Compassion to make Christ’s presence felt in all that we are and that we do’ – and out Vision for Learning to be ‘Outstanding for Others’. 

Diverse Learning

The Diversity Team supports students in the College who require environmental and instructional adjustments to access the curriculum. The College iLan program is designed to further support students in reaching their literacy and numeracy goals in Years 7-10, with Consolidation English and Mathematics courses running in the senior years. Learning is personalised through a collaborative approach involving the Head of Learning Diversity, Parents and carers, students and key stakeholders. The creation and implementation of personalised learning plans ensures each individuals needs are catered for.  

Inclusive Learning

The Inclusive Learning Centre facilitates a holistic approach to inclusion that encompasses access, participation, engagement, and inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs at ̨ž³UUApp. Students with complex needs may require particular considerations and special arrangements, higher levels of support, differentiated curriculum and/or specialist assistance.  A strong partnership is formed with parents and key stakeholders to form the individualised learning plans in the context of the programs offered by the College. 

The College has a purpose-built Inclusive Learning Centre (ILC) catering for students with complex needs from Years 7 to 12, each following an individualised education or transition plan.  Students requiring significant teaching and learning adjustments to the mainstream program, and those with a diagnosed disability will undertake classes primarily in the Centre.  Where possible, students are grouped according to age and included in specialist mainstream subjects and Year appropriate classes.  This strong partnership with the mainstream classes provides an opportunity for students in the Centre to develop wider friendship groups, and to be involved in extracurricular College activities.