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Primary Learning Journey

  • ̨UUApp 50 Murdoch Drive Bateman, WA, 6150 Australia

Each family is asked to come along in Week 10 of this term on Monday 19 September, between 3.15pm and 6.15pm, to spend time with your child/ren as they take you on a tour of some of the learning experiences and opportunities that they have been engaged in this year.  Please note, to maximise the learning and reporting experience for you and your child, the latest you could arrive at the school is 5.55pm -  in order to have at least 20 minutes to thoroughly cover all the curriculum areas in which students have been asked to articulate their learning and understandings.

At least one parent or guardian from each family should attend, so that each child has a special opportunity to be affirmed and to explain what they have been learning in class.  Your presence, positive attitude and thoughtful questioning are visible signs to your child that you value their education, that you celebrate the growth they are making and that you are proud of their achievements so far.   Watch out for the clues left by teachers…On the types of questions you could ask your child in order to broaden their self-reflection and critical thinking skills!

If younger siblings are present, parents are asked to please carefully supervise them. Older siblings may also need reminding to be respectful when it is their brother or sister’s turn to take their parent on the learning journey.  Please prepare your children with your expectations ahead of time about the importance of this night for each child.

Take time to talk with your child, asking them about various activities, praising them for effort, good ideas, skill development and achievements.   If you see room for improvement, ask your child how they think they can improve first, before offering your suggestions.  Keep your feedback to the point and positive.

Parents are asked to remember that this is time for you and your child, not time for impromptu parent/teacher meetings or catch ups with other parents.  If you wish to discuss aspects of your child’s progress with the classroom teacher, please book another time, via email,  to meet.

The Undercover Area, Music Room, ̨UUApp Room, Library and Atriums are other spaces with displays that show various aspects of our teaching and learning programs at ̨UUApp Primary School.

At the end of your journey you and your child will complete a “Reflecting on the Journey” sheet. It means so much to a child’s growth to have positive affirmations from their parent, and it provides us with feedback and a record of your child’s learning.

Earlier Event: 15 September
Year 7 Grandparents Mass and Morning Tea
Later Event: 20 October
Class of 2022 Graduation