Religious Education
Religious Education is the first Learning Area in a Catholic school. The Religious Education course becomes the Religion and Life course in Catholic Schools for Year 11 and 12 students, following on from the resource Come Follow Me, used in lower secondary. Unit outlines are prepared by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority in consultation with the Catholic Education Office to fulfil all the requirements of the Religion and Life Course.
The role of Religion and Life at ̨ž³UUApp is to make our Catholic tradition accessible as well as promoting the readiness of students to respond in faith to the many experiences of life. This is a call to personal transformation and is a life-long process.
The increased level of academic rigour that is required in the units can lead to a deeper understanding of our Catholic faith tradition. Faith formation and enculturation will continue to be nurtured through the whole school community, the parish and the family.
As an approved course, Religious Education can be used to meet the requirements for achieving WACE. In Year 12 Religion and Life ATAR Units Three and Four can be used towards a student’s ATAR.
The Year 11 and 12 syllabus is divided into two units, each of one semester duration, which are typically delivered as a pair. The notional time for each unit is 55 class contact hours.
The Year 11 General Religion and Life course focuses on how religion can be viewed as a distinctly human activity and the role religion plays in society. Students will conduct research and develop the skills required for processing information, analysing sources and communicating their findings.
Course Pre-Requisites: NIL
The Year 11 ATAR Religion and Life course focuses on the place of religion in society as well as the ways identity and purpose are attached to faith. Students will be encouraged to consider the concerns of individuals and society and how religion responds. Students will develop the skills necessary for conducting an inquiry, processing information and communicating their findings. The ATAR Religion and Life course can also pair well with Modern History, English and English Literature.
Course Pre-Requisites: 60% in Year 10 Religious Education